First Cub was an ElectriCub in 1996, with original Mabuchi 550 type can motor and NiCd. Flew OK, but nothing outstanding.
Second was the 20-sized Great Planes Cub with OS FS 26. A lot of fun in the air, but often hand-launched because hard to control on the ground.
Now found another ElectriCub kit on EBay. Came with yellow MonoKote, though unfortunately plain yellow, not the special Cub Yellow. Built it in about 6 month.
Outstanding flyer with 3 cell LiPo, brushless motor. Added ailerons, approximately scale sized, but forgot to remove dihedral from original kit design, so very little effect.Mixing rudder to airleron for relaxed flying. Second image shows transmitter in 'winter bag' for cold weather flying.
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