Friday, July 2, 2010

The Ultimate AL-811 Tuneup Checklist

Overall Tuneup
  1. Amplifier HV, STBY, OFF
  2. Adjust Antenna Tuner
  3. Set Band Switch
  4. Transmitter power low
  5. Turn ON. Check Tubes lit, Plate Voltage ~1.7kV, Plate and Grid current 0mA
  6. Preset LOAD and PLATE

  7. Ip, XMT OPR. Check plate current Ip=0mA. Key in SSB mode. Ip~60mA
  8. In CW mode, increate Xmtr power until Plate Current 450mA or Grid Current 100mA
  9. Tune PLATE, LOAD, PLATE for max power. Keep LOAD a little to the right of max. output power. Stay below 100W input, 450mA plate, 150mA grid.
  1. Set Xmtr power to get about 400W amplifier output
  2. Connect ALC line, adjust ALC (back of amplifier) so that output starts to drop a little bit. From now on, Xmtr output is limited to generating 400W amp out.

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